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Top 4 Things You Should Do When You Build Your New Website
1. Choose a website provider YOU like 2. Create a separate, business email 3. Set up Google Analytics 4. Use my 3-2-1 design rule 1....
3 Easy Things to Improve Your Website TODAY
1. Simply state what you do above the scroll of your website 2. Make your header clear and simple. 3. Create an email opt-in 1. Simply...
What Do You Know About Your Ideal Customer?
Why you need to know who your ideal customer is How to create your ideal customer Why you need to know who your ideal customer is: 1....
5 Things You Need in Your Website Footer
1. Mission Statement 2. Contact or Subscription 3. Location, Email, Phone 4. Terms & Privacy Links 5. Social Media (optional) 1. Why you...
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